Sunday, October 25, 2015

OCTOBER 3rd-"Growing up with cats and dogs, I got use to the sounds of scratching on my door while I slept. Now that I live alone, it is much more unsettling."

Growing up with cats and dogs, I got used to the sounds of scratching on my door while I slept. Now that I live alone, it is much more unsettling. Although, I suppose I can’t really describe it as living, since, well you probably have to be alive. Which, I’m not. 450 years cold to be exact. I know! 450 years! Where does the eternity go? I’ll tell you something though, that particular deathday party was killer! You had to be there. So yeah, you’d think I’d be used to the noise, after all this time. I guess the sound of three feet tall, multi-eyed, demon rats, never loses its’ “charm”.

They’re all over here, among other rodents and lower level demons. The real riff-raff of the place, you know. We’ve been trying to get the city council to do something about the pests; they’re always biting at your ankles, gnawing on your bones if you don’t kick them away in time. Seriously, they make walking through the streets a real hell. Oh. Well, that explains the laughter I received with my complaint.

Anyways, back on track, the scratching is unsettling. It’s also severely annoying when you’re trying to get some sleep. I mean, some of us have a busy morning ahead of us: I’ve got a three hour dentist appointment, and then work. I’m a real estate agent. I know the best places for an amazing lava-front view. I’m telling you, if you want the tranquil sound of “skin-melting off ” screams flowing through your neighbourhood, and glowing red hues: I’m your man!

I love my job. There’s something special about welcoming people into the community. Seeing them go from tortured souls, to torturing souls in one to two hundred years. Unless they can’t pay off the house in the allotted time, then their souls are forfeit; and between you and me? My boss is a real devil! Really though, super fulfilling work.

Crap, look at the time! I’m supposed to be up in an hour! Might as well get up now, since there’s no point in sleep. Man, getting through today is going to be a real nightmare!

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