Sunday, October 25, 2015

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome everyone to my little blog! I'm very excited to have you here!

About this blog:

This blog is to share some of my little writing blurbs. This halloween, (2015) I decided to take part in a "Prompt Challenge". Everyday beginning October 1st to October 30th I am to write a short piece of writing based around a small phrase. In general, I complete the prompts in about 20 minutes. I work off of being in the flow for them, and thus sometimes the grammar isn't my best! The prompt is supplied by the organizer of the challenge.

I decided to take part because I wanted to keep flexing my writing muscle, but didn't have any particular motivation. The prompt helped me focus around a specific idea, and make sure I wrote a little everyday.

Why am I sharing? I will admit, I'm pretty private about my writing. I don't think it's a baby that needs to be protected from the cruel world, or anything. It's more I'm a little insecure and don't believe the writing is worth taking someone's time. However, that is not the way to grow. I've decided to bite the bullet and share my work, so I can make it better. I'm hoping for some (hopefully positive) feedback and general comments to improve as a writer.

Photo from
So I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: These are all original works, created by me. Any similarities to other pieces of fiction are accidental, and unintentional.
I would never try to pass off work that is not my own. 

Disclaimer 2: I should add that while the story around the prompts are mine, I believe the prompts themselves are by others. I'm given them by the challenge organizer, and she finds them on the internet. So if you recognize the prompt as yours, let me know! I'll give you the credit!

Most of the posts look like they were done on the same day: They were done on the day they belong to, but originally posted somewhere else. I have re-posted them here to have them in one place, for myself.

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